All Are Welcome!

We proclaim Jesus Christ and

 promote communities of

 joy, hope, love, and peace.

Together we share:

  • A community of people where the gospel of Jesus Christ is the focus of worship, learning, caring, and mission.
  • An opportunity for genuine spiritual growth and relationship with the Holy Spirit.
  • A congregation where deep friendships are established, individual ideas are valued, and where those special needs find security, care, and support.
  • A faith community that encourages the ministry of all people, including children and youth.
  • A global community with a worldwide mission that values all cultures and celebrates the rich diversity of human life.
  • Meaningful opportunities to serve Jesus Christ by helping others and promoting peace.

Worship With Us


Fellowship Breakfast 8:45 a.m.

Sunday School 9:15 a.m.

Worship 10:00 a.m.

If you cannot join us in person, please join the live stream of our 10 a.m. Worship Service at:



All are welcome at Christ’s table. The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is a sacrament in which we remember the life, death, resurrection, and continuing presence of Jesus Christ. In Community of Christ, we also experience Communion as an opportunity to renew our baptismal covenant and to be formed as disciples who live Christ’s mission. Others may have different or added understandings within their faith traditions. We invite all who participate in the Lord’s Supper to do so in the love and peace of Jesus Christ. 

IMPORTANT: We can bring communion to your home if you are unable to attend when communion is served. Please contact Lori Piepergerdes or Charlott Williams to arrange for your communion.

Contact Us

Email Address


(816) 532-4422


19400 N. US-169 HWY

Smithville, MO 64089

All Are Called

We declare our belief that “all are called according to the gifts of God to them.” We therefore acknowledge and affirm human diversity by creating a spirit of openness and peace within our congregation where all persons may find acceptance and the opportunity to share their giftedness.

Recent News and Upcoming Events

March 23, 2025
Smithville Women's mini-retreat, April 4 & 5. Friday night pizza. Saturday morning coffee & donuts with a short worship service. The cost will be a donation to the campground & the cost of pizza & donuts maybe around $15-20. If you want to come let Karen Brown know ASAP at 816-223-8413 or via email at . There is still opportunities to give to World Conference by check or through e-Tithing . The summer youth camps are looking for volunteers. If you would like to help contact Brendan Cary. Registration for World Conference is now open. Register by April 1 to receive some discounts. Here is the link, World Conference Registration . If you or someone you know is needing communion brought to their home please let Lori Piepergerdes, Charlott Williams or Katie Middleton know. Center for Living Water is doing a concert series titled Under the Spire .
January 8, 2025
The Presiding Bishopric shares the December 2024 Financial Update. In this update, you’ll find important information about the audit process, the 2025 worldwide mission budget, mission tithes, endowments, and ongoing efforts to fund the mission of the church. Church leaders are grateful for the continued generosity of members and friends around the world who support Community of Christ’s global mission to create a more just and peaceful world. A few highlights: The church raised $681,000 USD on Giving Tuesday! Thank you for this amazing expression of generosity! Worldwide Mission Tithes as of 18 November 2024 were just under $7.7 million USD or 2% above goal year-to-date. The incredible generosity of members around the world has positioned the church to finish the year close to the 2024 goal of $10.2 million. As shared previously, the World Church Finance Board designated $175 million from the sale of historic assets for the endowments. This will generate annual income for the Worldwide Mission Budget based on the Spending Rate Policy for Endowments approved by the board in 2017. Currently the spending rate on endowment assets is set at 3% and is reviewed annually. The legacy of generosity represented in these assets will bless the church for years to come. The 2023 audit report was approved during the September 2024 World Church Finance Board meeting. On 7 December 2024, the World Church Finance Board approved the 2025 Worldwide Mission Budget which includes total income of $17.1 million, total expense of $16.6 million, leaving a projected net income of just over $500,000 USD. The 2025 budget includes inflation informed salary increases for employees across the globe. It also includes a long-deferred market-based compensation adjustment for USA employees. This adjustment achieves part of what is essential to set the foundation for recruitment and retention as a generational change in leadership and ministry positions occurs over the next several years. Current financial projections support a consistent level of ministries and services through 2029 using worldwide mission tithes, designated gifts, other income, and endowment spending rates. In 2030 a projected budget reduction of approximately $1.5 million will be needed without new sources of income. As discussed in prior updates, the gradual decline in the number of contributors will require continued exploration and innovation in our approach to revenue generation, new ways to engage younger generations in mission, and thoughtful decisions about how to best utilize assets for mission. The Presiding Bishopric’s five strategic priorities focus efforts on addressing challenges and opportunities as collaboration continues with quorum and field leaders to implement strategies to change the church’s financial trajectory over time. The Worldwide Mission Tithes goal range for 2025 is $10.16 to $11.16 million USD. The gifts and contributions of all are needed to support global mission. Your generosity is making a significant difference. Thank you! Read the entire financial update. 
August 11, 2024
Save the Dates - 2025 Far West Mission Center Camps!

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